
Professor Belinda Ferrari, lab founder

  • 2022-Present: Associate Dean of Research, UNSW

  • 2022-Present: Professor, Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences (BABS)

  • 2018-2022: Deputy Head of School and Director of Research BABS

  • 2018-2021: ARC Future Fellow

  • 2017-2023: Associate Professor, BABS

  • 2008-2017: Senior Lecturer, BABS

  • 2003-2010: Project Leader for the Environmental Biotechnology CRC

  • 2006-2008: Environmental Biotechnology CRC Research Fellow at Macquarie University

  • 2003-2005: Macquarie University Research Fellow

  • 2002-2003: University of Copenhagen Research Fellow

  • 2001-2002: Research Fellow MQ Collaborative Industry Grant with Sydney Water

Follow Belinda on Twitter @ferrari_belinda



Dr. Xabier Vázquez-Campos, Senior Research Associate

Xabier joined the Ferrari lab in 2023 following several years of academic collaboration with the group. After his PhD, he transitioned towards a computationally-focused career from a wet-lab background, leading to a bioinformatics postdoc in 2017. Xabier’s research interests are generally included within environmental microbiology/microbial ecology (from molecules to ecosystems) with a special interest for the application of (meta-)omics to resolve questions in the context of natural, human-altered or industrial systems. He has special regards to unusual/exotic organisms (e.g. extremophiles, Archaea with tiny genomes...), geomicrobiology, microbial ‘dark matter’ and phylogenetics/systematics, with no particular order.

Twitter: @XabiVC


Dr Angelique Ray, Research Associate.

Angelique joined the Ferrari lab in 2017 as an honours student and completed her Bachelor of Advanced Science (Biotechnology) that same year. Her PhD was submitted in 2022, and throughout this project she studied the role of trace atmospheric gases in the survival and growth of cold desert microbiomes. As a Research Associate, Angelique is focused upon characterizing novel carbon fixation strategies in bacterial isolates through the implementation of culture-based and bioinformatic techniques. Outside of work, Angelique enjoys bouldering, getting outdoors, and spending time with her dog, Pudding.

Follow Angelique on Twitter @Ray_AngeliqueE


Dr Nathali Machado de Lima, Research Associate.

Nathali joined the Ferrari lab as a Postdoc in 2024. After completing her PhD in 2020, she began her work at UNSW, contributing to multiple projects. Her research journey has taken her to three different countries - Brazil, the USA, and Australia. Nathali's research focuses on characterising soil microbiomes impacted by ecosystem degradation and drought. Additionally, she investigates the potential of microorganisms as plant bioinoculants to enhance soil fertility and structure, improve plant germination and growth in dryland systems and degraded areas, and ultimately restore these environments. Her work has been published in several papers, including pioneering studies on the composition, abundance, and environmental factors influencing cyanobacterial biocrust communities in key biomes.

Follow Nathali on Twitter @Nathali_Micro

PhD Candidates

Dana Tribbia

Dana joined the lab in 2020 to complete an honours year as part of her Bachelor of Advanced Science. As an Honours student she worked on optimising growth conditions for Antarctic microorganisms to further characterise the recently discovered process of atmospheric chemosynthesis. She is now continuing on as a PhD student in the Ferrari Lab. Her research will be focused on investigating the complex roles of microbial primary producers in nutrient starved soils, and the impacts of desertification on soil microbial communities. In her spare time, she enjoys caring for her indoor plant collection, cross-stitching and spending time with her dog, Ziggy.



Kris joined the Ferrari Lab in 2021 as a PhD student. His work is focused on investigating shifts in the function and composition of bacterial communities in Antarctic soils impacted by diesel spills and bioremediation clean-up efforts. Outside the lab Kris enjoys staying active and going on food adventures. Kris is completing his Industry-linked PhD via collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Division team that are actively cleaning up hydrocarbon contaminated soils.



Jordan joined the Ferrari lab as an Honours student in 2021 after completing a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Biotechnology. Growing up in the outdoors, Jordan is passionate about environmental causes and hopes to pursue a career that will benefit the natural environment. Her Honours project investigated the novel form of motility, dubbed “Streptomyces Exploration”. Jordans PhD is aimed at developing a fungal ecotoxicity test specific for the Antarctic environment. Her Industry -linked PhD involved co-supervision by the team at the Australian Antarctic Division. In her free time Jordan enjoys surfing, scuba diving, and painting.


Priyanka Rani Majumdar

Priyanka joined the Ferrari lab in 2023 as a PhD student. Priyanka is from Bangladesh. Her research will be focused on exploring mycobiome resilience in extreme environments, specifically focusing on novel species of Black fungi that were isolated from eastern Antarctica. Priyanka is completing an Industry-linked PhD with the Botanic Gardens. She loves working in the lab. Outside of working time, Priyanka likes reading books and spending time with her kids.


Kellynn Tan

Kellynn joined the Ferrari lab in 2023 as a PhD student after completing a Bachelor of Science with Honours degree in Microbiology at the University of Queensland. Her research interests include elucidating the biological limits that are necessary to support life in harsh environments and on other planetary bodies. The emphasis of her research will be on characterising the mechanisms underlying microbial trace gas oxidation and atmospheric chemosynthesis at the limits of life, through collaboration with NASA-Ames. Outside of the lab she dabbles in mountain climbing and enjoys cooking and trying new recipes.


Thomas Laird

Tom joined the lab in 2021 for Honours after completing a Bachelor of Medical Science, majoring in medical microbiology. His Honours project focused on assessing trace gas oxidation as a primary energy source in growing bacteria. After he finished Honours, he took on the role of a research assistant to continue his work. He is now continuing on as a PhD student. He likes films, food and long walks on the beach.



Corinne joined the Ferrari lab in 2025 as a PhD candidate. She is passionate about astrobiology and her research focuses on extreme environment microbiology. She is particularly interested in the limitations of life and microbial survival strategies such as dormancy. Therefore, she works with Antarctic bacteria as proxy for a Martian environment. In her free time, Corinne enjoys training Jiu Jitsu and spending time outdoors.


Honours Students



Liam joined the Ferrari lab in 2025 as an Honours student after completing a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Cell and Molecular biology. His project focuses on further metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling of Sanjana's novel Antarctic fungi. In his spare time, he likes to hike, read, and do art and crafts.



Shruti is an Honors student who joined the Ferrari Lab in 2024 after completing her Bachelors in Science, majoring in Biotechnology from the University of Auckland. Her project focuses on activity and growth studies on endolithic bacteria found in Antarctic rocks. Outside the lab, Shruti enjoys tik tok, traveling, Cafe hopping, and games.


Former Lab Members- Where are they now?


Yanko Zvonaric

Yanko is an honours student who joined the Ferrari lab in 2024 after completing a Bachelor in Science, majoring in microbiology. His project is focused on the bioremediation and nitrogen cycling in Antarctic soils. In his spare time Yanko enjoys memes, rock climbing and building legos. 


Sanjana Suresh

Sanjana joined the lab in 2024 for Honours after completing a Bachelor of Commerce and Advanced Science, majoring in Business Economics and Biotechnology. Her project looked into metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling of novel Antarctic fungi.


Dr Nicole Benaud, Research Associate.

Nicole joined the Ferrari Lab to complete Honours in 2014, following on from a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at UNE.
Her PhD research, completed in 2019, focused on bioactive secondary metabolite production in Antarctic bacteria, with a view to discover novel antimicrobial compounds, much needed to address the worldwide crisis of antimicrobial resistance.
Nicole used third generation sequencing to survey these extreme soils for genes typically associated with antimicrobial production; polyketides and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, and employing novel culturing techniques developed by the Ferrari Lab, to select and characterise prolific antimicrobial producing Phyla; Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria.

Follow Nic on Twitter @BenaudNic


Kevin Havdahl, Honours Student

Technical assistant, DSM Laboratories

Kevin is an Honours student who joined the Ferrari Lab in 2022 as a part of his Bachelor of Advanced Science and Computer Science, majoring in Microbiology. His Honours project focused on developing and testing methods to promote the growth of Antarctic Bacteria in culture media so that further research on them can be conducted. In his spare time Kevin enjoys reading, eating, travelling, and playing games.


Alinta Furnell, Honours student

Co-Founder Synbiote

Alinta joined the Ferrari Lab in 2021 as an Honours student as part of her Bachelor of Advanced Science (Biotechnology & Microbiology). She is passionate about innovation in science and exploring scientific unknowns. Alinta set out on a mission to increase the accessibility of technology in our everyday lives and she has never looked back, having received many prestigious awards, most recently as a Climate Fellow as part of the 776 Foundation. In her spare time, Alinta really enjoys singing and playing music and is currently learning guitar – with mixed results.


Dr Eden Zhang, PhD.

Data Scientist, University of Sydney

Eden completed both her Honours and PhD in the Ferrari Lab between 2017 - 2021. She is extremely grateful to have been part of the Ferrari lab, having the opportunity to join Belinda’s expedition team to the Windmill Islands region of Antarctica in 2019. Eden is now making a successful career out of data at the University of Sydney.


Professor Mukan Ji, PhD

Professor, Lanzhou University, China

Mukan completed his PhD thesis, entitled 'Exploring Microbial Dark Matter in East Antarctic Soils' in 2017. Mukan joined the Ferrari lab in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science from The University of Sydney and Masters from the University of New South Wales. He completed an Mphil and PhD in the Ferrari lab, both focused on understanding the microbial diversity in extreme Antarctic soils, alternative carbon acquisition pathways and cultivation of novel bacteria. Following his PhD in the Ferrari Lab, Mukan returned to China, and he is now Professor at the Center for Pan-third Pole Environment, Lanzhou University, 730000 Lanzhou, China.


Jessica Dai, Honours student

Research Assistant, Microbiogen

Jessica joined the Ferrari lab in 2020 as part of her Bachelor of Advanced Science and economics, majoring in Biotechnology. Currently Jessica worked on a project in ecotoxicology, investigating the impact of aged fuels on microbial communties in Antarctic soils. Her passions include thinking about the apocalypse, the existential nature of the universe and what she would like to cook for dinner. Jesssica now works for the highly succesfully biotechnology company Microbiogen.


Dr Sarita Pudasaini, PhD.

Technical Scientist, Ramaciotti Centre

Sarita is from Kathmandu, Nepal. Sarita joined the team in 2013, and has a Master's degree in Food Microbiology from National College, Tribhuvan University. Her MPhil with the Ferrarilab focused on assessing the unique microbial diversity of the Browning Peninsula. Her PhD research, completed in 2019, looked at the role of fuel contamination in microbial community dynamics and bioremediation of Casey Station, Antarctica. Sarita now works at the Ramaciotti Centre for Gene Function Analysis.


Jieyu (Jayne) Liu, Honours student

Scientist, DSM Laboratories

Jieyu Liu was an Honours student from China. Jieyu joined the Ferrari Lab in 2018 after completing a Bachelor of Biotechnology from UNSW. Her project was focused on nitrification and nitrogen cycle on Antarctic polar soil, optimizing the urea-amended soil washing and soil rehabilitation. Jayne is now leading Health at Safety at DSM Laboratories.


Dr Josie van Dorst, PhD.

Research Associate, School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW.

Josie grew up in country NSW and had many varied professions, homes and travelling adventures before arriving at UNSW to complete a BSc degree in 2006.
In 2007 she joined the Ferrari lab to undertake an Honours project and remained to complete her PhD and first postdoctoral role, characterising the impacts of diesel fuel on the microbial ecology of sub-antarctic soils, and determining site-specific remediation end points based on the soil microbial ecology responses. Josie is now driving CF research aimed at understanding the role of microbiomes in this disease.


Chengdong Zhang, Mphil.

Founder Biotechnology Company

Chengdong Zhang, from China, recieved a Bachelor and MPhil from UNSW in the Ferrari lab. His research focused on polar fungal biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Chengdong is interested in recombinant protein and enzyme expression, synthetic biology and environmental microbiology from biotechnological application. He is now the founder of a biotechnology company in China.


Georgia Brouner, Honours Student

Georgia joined the Ferrari lab in 2022 as an Honours student following on from her Bachelor of Psychological Science, majoring in Management. As an Honours student, Georgia researched anti-tumour bioactivity within Antarctic bacteria to see whether novel natural products can be used in cancer treatments. Outside the lab, Georgia is a proud advocate for women in STEMM, founding the UNSW Women in Science Peer Mentor Program in 2020 to encourage young girls to pursue careers in science. Georgia is currently s Research and Development Analyst at skinterest!


Lauren Williams, Honours.

Scientist, DSM Laboratories

Lauren joined the Ferrari Lab in 2018 for Honours, because she thought, “they study the microbial equivalent of a cactus, and that's pretty cool”. She also won an Australian Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Microbiology Prize for her previous coursework. For her Honours project she investigated the denizens of dry, nutrient-poor Kakadu soils, including the candidate phylum Eremiobacteraeota (or WPS-2). Lauren is now director of research at DSM laboratories in Sydney.