Bioremediation, microbial ecology, novel bacteria culturing and new bioactives in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic soils.
Latest updates
Photo spotlight
Unidentified Antarctic fungi. Image by Dr Nicole Benaud. See the original post @BenaudNic
Photo from our recent lunch at the UNSW Lounge where we officially welcomed our newest lab member and Honours student, Georgia!
2020 Ferrari Lab Christmas Party
Belinda shared her exciting Antarctic expedition experiences during a BABS seminar. Click here for more info.
The elevator experiment
New paper! If you would like to know more about Polar Metabolites and their Potential Toxicity click here for more info.
FA040S crew on the last flight down from Hobart to Casey Station, Eastern Antarctica.
Christmas 2018 with Ferrari Lab
Image: Xiaobing, Chengdong, Sarita, Nicole, Sally and Belinda took part (and succeeded) in the World Guinness Record attempt on the 27th Nov.
The Ferrari Lab escapes the office for a Christmas in July hike (and picnic!) in the Blue Mountains. Check out the gallery for more photos of the festive frivolity. Image taken by Angelique.
Catharina takes centre stage for the UNSW Science Postgraduate Research Showcase, pitching her research in just 1 minute and wowing everyone with her interactive poster!
Sally Crane attended the SETAC Conference 2019. Click here for more info.
Angelique and Carol enjoying the Field Trip Day at Hobbiton during the Polar and Alpine Microbiology Conference in New Zealand
Image: Magníficas instalaciones de Feria Valencia. Image taken by Nicole Benaud.
Congratulations to Nicky on landing a prestigious International PhD Research Scholarship!
Congratulations to Ali and Alinta on graduating from Honours - may your future careers be just as exciting as the past year you spent with the lab (but hopefully with fewer lockdowns)!
Dana and Jesse both gave fantastic online seminars in March, presenting outcomes from their Honours projects. Dana presented ‘The very hungry microbes: An investigation into the Antarctic uncultured bacterial phylum Candidatus Eremiobacterota’, and Jess discussed ‘Bioremediation targets and the microbial community response to hydrocarbon contamination in Antarctic soils’
Well done Dana and Jess!
Congratulations to Kate who gave a fantastic PhD exit seminar on her work targeting the elusive Candidatus Dormibacterota, a phylum of trace-gas oxidizing bacteria in Antarctic soils. She even gained the admiration of another Kate Montgomery thanks to an erroneous Twitter tag :)
Toward the end of an ‘interesting’ 2020, some nice weather meant we could escape Zoom and have a real meeting, COVID distancing style
Ferrari Lab wish you Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!
Congratulations Jayne! You did an amazing job, best wishes in your professional life!
Congratulations to Devan for his thesis submission!
Congratulations to Cath for the PhD thesis submission! You can find more info about here research here
Today Devan, Honours student, presented his research about archaea. This is the first time Ferrari Lab ventures into archaea studio and the results are really promising, well done Devan!
This year, Nicky attended the Postgraduate Research Showcase. Here, she described her research about communication and signaling particles between Antarctic bacteria in just one minute! Great Job Nicky!
Congratulations to Sarita for her PhD thesis submission!!! You have done a great job and we are very proud of you Sari! Click here for more info.
Welcome Devan to Ferrari Lab! We hope you enjoy your stay as Honours Student
Congratulations to Nic and Sarita for their exit seminar last Friday. We are so proud of you girls! Read more about their research here.
For a second year, Cath participated in the Postgraduate Research Showcase. Here, she shared an update of her interesting research about fasting, migration and blow microbes in whales. Amazing Job Cath!
Congratulations to Nicole for her PhD thesis submission!!! You have done a great job and we are very proud of you Nic! Click here for more info.
New paper! If you would like to know more about Natural Product-Encoding Genes in Polar Soils click here for more info.
Ferrari lab jumped from the lab to the forest for a Pine Mushroom Foraging. Click here to enjoy the pics
Nicky with her poster about "Antarctic bacterial conversation" at ANZMB 2019. More info here.
Congratulations to Jayne for her Honours Final Seminar “Uncovering Nitrite Accumulation in Urea-amended Biopile Soils from Antarctica“.
Congratulations to Angelique! She got the Presentation Prize on the occasion of the 8th International Conference on Polar & Alpine Microbiology at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.
Congratulations to Lauren on submitting her honours theses! Best wishes for you!
Carol next to her poster about “Characterization of the Emulsifying Activity in Antarctic Soil Isolates“ at ANZMB 2019. More info here.